Monday, June 11, 2007
I am the Freezer Fairy!

I've been trying literally for weeks to think of some clever way of introducing myself. I'm a mom, like you, and I dread the question:
What's for Dinner?

It's not that I hate cooking. I just hate having to cook Every.Single.Night.
So I don't. I cook a couple nights a week and then once a month or so, I spend the whole day cooking and freezing copies of meals. My Dinner Fairy lives in my freezer. And I love her. She always has an answer to the question.

I've posted a few recipes I had laying around, some freezable dinners and some other things. Look for the label below: freezer fairy and see what I'm up to!

One important note: My family is only 5, so the recipes are about half the size of those by Real, the original dinner fairy. Check the authorship notes (I appear as Edge) and make sure you know what you're getting!


link | posted by Sarah Jean at 8:48 PM


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Ever wish someone would wave a magic wand, and easy, nutritious dinners would appear on your kitchen table?

...So do we.

Out of the kitchen:
Real Beautopotamus Mothering on the Edge